Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

Your privacy is important to us. Resolian’s website (hereafter “Site”) is controlled and operated by Resolian, (which is referred hereafter as “Resolian”, “we”, “us” and/or “our”).

This Privacy Notice explains our online information practices. This includes a description of the types of personally identifiable information (hereafter “PII” or “Personal Data”) data we may collect, how we may use it, with whom we may share it and how you can make choices about the way your Personal Data is collected and used.

This Privacy Notice applies to all PII collected or submitted on this Site. Links within this Site to other websites are not covered by this Privacy Notice. To make this Privacy Notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and at every point where personal information may be requested.

Important Information About Us

Resolian is a trading name of Alliance Pharma Inc. (doing business as Resolian) in USA, Drug Development Solutions Ltd. (trading as Resolian) in the United Kingdom and Europe, Alliance Pharma Pty Ltd (trading as Resolian Bioanalytics) in Australia, and Chongqing Denali Medpharm Co. Ltd. in China.

The Data and Personal Information We Collect

The personal information we process (collect, use, store, and share) about you depends on who you are and how we interact with you. We process personal information about you that we collect either directly, through forms or data entry fields on our website, or through passive collection by cookies and other data collection technologies. The types of personal information we process is explained below.

Website Visitor Data

We may process your information when you contact us via our website such as submitting a question or request via the contact form, requesting to speak to us or signing up for our newsletter. 

This information typically includes your name, title, company name, phone number, and e-mail address.


Like most websites, this Site uses cookies to help provide you with an enhanced customer experience each time you return to visit the Site. Please refer to our Cookie Policy to find out more information about the types of cookies used on the Site.

Alongside cookies, Resolian may also record information about how individuals access the Site. This information may include device information including Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses, log information, error messages, device type, and unique device identifiers, the websites the user visited immediately prior to and upon exiting this site, the browser software the individual is using to access the site, the pages viewed, the features used, details about any links with which the user interacted, device precise location information, or device motion information.

Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy

Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never seek to collect or maintain information at our Site from those we know are under 13, and no part of our Site is structured to attract anyone under 13.

Business Customer Data

If you are a customer or you request or indicate an interest in information about our services, we may process your name, email address, phone number, job title, information about the company where you work, including its website address, postal address, job title, job function, company name, company size, company financial information, IP address, device type, email view information including IP address and associated city, information about which of our services you use or which may be of interest to you, and any comments you provide. We maintain and update this information as we continue to engage with you and use it as described under the Legitimate Interests processing purposes described below.

Also, in its role as a laboratory, Resolian may receive personal information related to biochemical analysis, research, diagnostics, consulting, and clinical trial support services from or on behalf of Data Controllers within the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), Switzerland, the United States of America (USA), Australia, or China.

Job Applicant or Contractor Data

If you apply for a job in response to one of the career opportunities on our site, you will be submitting information to our service provider’s website. It will be subject to both the service provider’s privacy policy and this Privacy Notice. We may process personal information about you and your professional experience, education, and training such as your application, your name (and any former names), postal address, email address, phone number, academic background, professional certifications and licenses, employment history, and curriculum vitae or resume. Additionally, prior to hiring, we may engage service providers to conduct background checks that involve the necessary personal information processing as permitted by the laws in the location in which you reside and/or work. Supplemental privacy notices may be provided to Resolian applicants, employees, or contractors, and where applicable, consent will be obtained to ensure compliance with local requirements.

Lab Sample Data

In its role as a laboratory, Resolian may require personal information related to sample data. We may use a website, Microsoft Forms or other means to collect this information. This means we may process your name, email address, phone number, job title, information about the company where you work, including its website address, postal address, job title, job function, company name, company size, company financial information, IP address, device type, email view information including IP address and associated city as part of that information collection.

If you are a clinical trial participant, we may process your participant-specific clinical trial identification code, health data and genetic data to process and analyze your sample and provide results. If your health care provider submits biological samples to us for analysis, we may process personal information about you including your name, gender, age, race, health data and genetic data for analysis.

How We Use Data and Processing Purposes 

We may use the Personal Data we have collected to:

  • Fulfil the orders you have placed with Resolian;
  • Improve the Site and customer experience (i.e. troubleshooting) and enable Resolian to identify and prevent future issues;
  • Communicate with you (respond to any emails you may send to us i.e. access or account requests); and
  • Compile and analyze trends on the Site

The Personal Data we obtain is used for the purposes (as described above) for which you have given your consent, except where otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws. Resolian does not sell on details of our customers and we will contact you about Resolian products and services only when it is lawful for us to do so. Where necessary we will seek your consent to use your Personal Data for marketing purposes.

You can register with our Site if you would like to receive updates on our new products and services.

Please note that providing personal information to us is voluntary on your part. If you choose not to provide your details to us, we may not be able to make you aware of special offers or new products and services.

Resolian’s Legal Basis for Processing Your Personal Information

Our legal grounds for processing your Personal Data for the purposes described above will typically be one of the following:

  • Your consent;
  • Performance of a contract with you;
  • Our legitimate business interests; or
  • Compliance with a legal obligation.

Sharing Personal Information

Your personal information may be shared across DDS trading as Resolian and its/all Resolian affiliates. We only share Personal Data, with outside parties to the extent necessary, to fulfil orders, follow up with relevant information on products, services or training courses with third parties who perform specific functions on our behalf. We will never sell your personal information to outside parties.

If we disclose your Personal Data to any outside parties, we will ensure that this sharing is protected under an appropriate contract so that your Personal Data is only used by such outside parties in connection with the services they are delivering on our behalf. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of outside parties – such practices are subject to their respective privacy policies, but we do seek to work with trusted partners whose practices and values reflect our own.

Please note that your Personal Data may also be disclosed under special circumstances to governmental bodies in order for Resolian to comply with legal or regulatory requirements.

Transfers of Your Personal Information Outside of the EU

As stated above, your Personal Data may be shared across DDS trading as Resolian and its/all Resolian affiliates and/or outside parties who provide services to and on behalf of Resolian. Please note that your Personal Data may sometimes be transferred to countries outside of the European Union on this basis. We will always ensure that appropriate measures are taken in accordance with all applicable laws to protect any such transfer of your personal Data outside of the European Union at all times.

Your Right to Opt-Out / Unsubscribing

We never use or share the Personal Data provided to us online in ways unrelated to those described above without also providing you with an opportunity to unsubscribe / opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated use.

You can exercise your right to unsubscribe from contact by emailing Resolian at [email protected]. You should clearly state your name and the name of this Site on all communications. Please note that while we endeavor to respond to such requests promptly, it can take some time for your opt-out request to be implemented and for future direct marketing communications (if chosen) to cease; we apologize if you receive emails that have already been scheduled for dispatch while your request is being processed. As noted below, you may also choose to exercise other rights you may have under applicable law – such as the right to access, correct or delete your Personal Data.

Your Rights to Access, Correction and Objection

You have the right to request access to the Personal Data we hold about you at any time by contacting Resolian at the details below and stating your name and the name of this Site. We will take reasonable efforts to provide you with a summary of any Personal Data collected by us. Depending on the nature of your request, this may take up a month for us to deal with, from when we have completed the required verification of your identity and the scope of your request.

While we always endeavor to take reasonable steps to ensure your Personal Data is kept up-to-date and accurate, you have the right to request correction of any Personal Data that is incorrect. You can contact us here or our data privacy lead at [email protected] to request this. Please state your name and the name of this Site along with specific details of the information you would like us to correct or update in your correspondence.

You further have the right to object to our use of your Personal Data in certain circumstances and to request that your Personal Data is forgotten. In the event you wish to exercise this right, please send an email to [email protected] stating your name, name of this Site and clearly state your request for the deletion of your Personal Data. Such a request may prevent us from informing you about important Product and Service Information.

Your Rights to Restriction and Data Portability

You have the right to restrict the processing of your Personal Data by Resolian in limited circumstances. As an example, where you contest the accuracy of your Personal Data, Resolian will be required to restrict the processing of your personal information until the accuracy of your personal information has been verified.

You may also be entitled to the right of data portability in limited circumstances.

Our Commitment to Data Security

To prevent unauthorised access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and organisational measures to safeguard and secure the information we collect on this Site. We only retain your Personal Data for as long as it is necessary for us to provide the service you have requested or to which we otherwise have legitimate grounds for holding it (such as customer warranty information).

How to Contact Us

Should you have questions or concerns about our compliance with this Privacy Notice, or wish to find out how your personal information is handled by Resolian, you may contact our Data Protection Officer using one of the contact methods below.

If you are not satisfied with our response or you feel that the processing of your data by Resolian infringes any applicable law, you have right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (the “ICO”). Further information with respect to such complaints can be found at

Our ICO registration number is ZB344448.

Data Protection Officer
PA 19355
Telephone number: 610-296-3152
[email protected]

Updates to this Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice may be modified from time to time, at our discretion and without prior notification to you. Changes to this Privacy Notice can be found on this page and will be effective immediately upon posting to this Site.

This Privacy Policy was last updated in April 2024

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Zhiyang Zhao, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer

Zhiyang Zhao, Ph.D., serves as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) at Resolian. Dr. Zhao has over 30 years of pharmaceutical industry experience with special focus on drug metabolism and bioanalysis of small and large molecules in drug discovery and development. Dr. Zhao has previously held positions at Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Amgen. Before joining Resolian in 2015, Dr. Zhao served as Site Director of Preclinical Research at Amgen in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for over a decade. 

Currently, Dr. Zhao serves as an Adjunct Professor at the Eshelman School of Pharmacy of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and as Editor-in-Chief of Drug Metabolism & Bioanalysis Letters, a journal by Bentham Science, which publishes in all areas of drug metabolism and bioanalysis. Dr. Zhao received his Ph.D. degree in Medicinal Chemistry from Virginia Polytechnic and State University (popularly known as Virginia Tech) in Blacksburg, Virginia. 

Patrick Bennett

Chief Executive Officer

Patrick Bennett has over 35 years of experience in pharmaceutical analysis and laboratory management. Now CEO at Resolian, Patrick’s experience includes the roles of Strategic Marketing Director for Pharma with Thermo Fisher Scientific, LabCorp, and Vice President of Strategy and Development with PPD. 

Patrick earned a B.S. degree in Toxicology and a M.S. degree in Pharmacology from the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health at St. John’s University and an M.B.A in International Marketing from the Martin J. Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University.